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Where did it go? RE data in CRM


RE ScreenRE NameWhere is it in CRM?Comments
ActionActionsDocumentation and Interactions/Interactions
Prospect Research Request
Stewardship Plans
RE actions went to a variety of locations in CRM, see Link to RE Action to CRM Translation
Addr/SalAddressee/SalutationsPersonal Info/Name Formats• Duplicate name formats (addr/sals) are not allowed, only one converted
• We are building custom name formats so all the Partners standard names will be added automatically to constituents, and will be updated in real time if name or spouse information changes
AppealsAppealsAppeals• Appeal name and description were flipped to facilitate searches
• PCC appeal category moved to site, and attribute appeal reporting category moved to appeal category
AttributesAttributesAttributes• RE Attributes that do not have a description will not convert to CRM. CRM requires a description. These will need to be cleaned up in RE.
• No duplicate attributes convert
Donor Class was renamed Classification
Interests/Hobbies was moved to Personal Info/Interests
Merge ID was moved to Personal Info/Alternate Lookup IDs
Linked-in Profile moved to Personal Info/Social Media
BIO1AliasPersonal Info/Aliases
Personal Info/Alternate Lookup IDs
• No duplicate aliases
• We are not converting aliases that are missing a type
RE constituent ID converted to the CRM Lookup ID, RE non-constituents will be assigned the next sequential number
Alternate Lookup IDs:
• RE aliases used to link to outside data will convert here
• No duplicate alternate IDs allowed – looking at the type and the ID
BIO1Name parts and other demographic infoPersonal Info/Personal Information
BIO1Solicit CodesCommunications/Solicit Codes• Duplicate solicit codes are not allowed in CRM
• New solicit code RE No Email Checkbox was created for any constituent with the Send No Email box checked on BIO1
EmailsContact/Emails• No duplicate emails (same type/same email)
Constituent Codes
Receipt Type
Personal Info/Constituencies
Communications/Mail preferences
• Duplicate constituencies will not convert (same type with overlapping dates)
• We are not converting constituent start and end dates
• Receipt Type converted as a constituent attribute, consolidated receipt type is now a mail preference
EventsEventsEvents• Duplicate event participations will not convert (CRM will keep the first one it hits)
FundsFundsPurposes and Designations• PCC suborgs converted to site
GiftsGiftsRevenue/Revenue History
Revenue/Recognition History
See RE to CRM revenue translation
• CRM doesn’t allow pledge payments to have a gift date earlier than the pledge
Pledge payments must have a fund that matches a fund on the pledge.
• Gifts are referred to as payments. All payments are applied to a pledge or as an outright donation
• Recognition is the CRM equivalent of soft credits
NotesNotesDocumentation and Interactions/Constituent Documentation• In RE note authors is a text field, and in CRM links to a constituent. We will convert note authors only if a constituent has an attribute of “CRM Notepad Author” that matches the RE notepad author description
• Description converted to CRM Title
• Donor Listings for Organizations moved to attributes
ProspectRatingsWealth and Ratings
ProspectPhilanthropic InterestsProspect/Funding InterestsCRM has a scale of interest, we converted to somewhat interested, and somewhat disinterested
Prospect ProposalsProspect/Plan/OpportunitiesOne RE proposal = 1 CRM plan and 1 CRM Opportunity
RELIndividual and Organizational RelationshipsRelationships/Relationships
Prospect/Prospect Team
Physician Rel - see Patient Data
• Relationship attributes do not exist in CRM
• Soft Credit Exclusions are indicated by unchecking the recognition credit checkbox and adding a comment to the relationship.
• Duplicate relationships will not convert (same person/same type/overlapping dates)
• Reciprocal relationships with one side deleted in RE will be re-created in CRM. For example if you had a Related Giving Record relationship and one side of it was deleted in RE, it will be re-created in CRM so the relationship is reciprocal. So counts will be higher in CRM than RE in these cases.
• Prospect manager stored on a different tab than other types of assigned solicitors
RELAssigned SolicitorsProspect/Prospect Team
Prospect/Prospect Manager History



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