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Recognition Programs

Recognition programs are used to track a constituent’s giving levels over time.  They can be set up to be yearly or lifetime, and constituents can be manually upgraded or opt out of levels as appropriate.

Good to Know!

  • Recognition programs are scheduled to be updated at regular intervals, usually nightly.
  • The recognition level is a hyper-link, when you click on it you can see detail for that program and the donations that put the constituent in that level.
  • You can opt a constituent out of a level, or out of a particular program.  You can also manually set a level if necessary.
  • When constituents are dropped from a recognition program, their history with the recognition program is retained and they are not re-added when the  recognition program process runs. When constituents are deleted, all of their history is deleted, and they are re-added by the process if they meet the criteria. Drop only applies to lifetime recognition programs.
  • You may see multiple levels for a particular year, this is to track when a constituent reaches a certain level – for example if  Peter gives $100 11/1 he is in the Member level, when he gives another $500 on 12/1 he is now a Sustainer, etc
  • Conversion notes:  recognition programs will take the place of the CAGU attributes Partners loads nightly for most affiliates.  We are currently planning to re-create the constituent attributes for donor listings and honor rolls in Atlas, likely converting only the manual updates from RE.

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