The custom individual search list contains a number of columns not found in the standard default list. Below is the full list of columns; those available only in the custom list are in bold.
- Lookup ID
- Deceased
- Name
- Spouse Name
- Primary Constituency
- Constituent Type
- Address
- City
- State
- Country
- Primary Business
- Email Address
- Middle Name
- Suffix
- Phone
- Prospect Manager
- Last Commitment Date
- Last Commitment Amount
Good to Know!
- This search list differs from the Constituent Search by Name or Lookup ID (custom) in that it’s used when you only want to search for and select an individual; when you choose show advanced search options, you cannot opt to include Organizations and/or Groups/Households, as those options are disabled. For example, on a constituent record, if you go to relationships, and click on Add Individual, the search list that opens for Related Individual is the Individual search list.
- Primary Constituency, Last Commitment Date and Last Commitment Amount show the Smartfields of the same name.
- This search list is optional for all affiliates; to replace any default individual search list with this one, log a ticket in Mojo.
- You can also include only some of the additional columns instead of all of them; specify this in your Mojo ticket.
- You cannot modify the order of the columns.
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