This new global change can be used to set the Exclude patient data flag on relationships in a selection.
This flag is visible when a relationship is added where (1) the relationship is one of the types defined in the EPIC Family Definitions code table, and (2) the related party has the Patient constituency. These relationships are added by the daily patient imports, and the flag is unchecked by default, so that the related party’s visits appear on the constituent’s Patient Family tab; for instance, in a parent/child relationship, you may wish for the child’s visits to appear on the parent’s record.
This new global change allows affiliates to check this setting on relationships where the child constituent is no longer a minor, removing the visits from the parent’s Patient Family tab but retaining the actual relationship.
This global change has one (required) parameter: Relationship selection.
When this global change runs, it will set the Exclude flag on all applicable relationships.
Note that Relationship selections must be based on a user-defined Smart query definition.
Good to Know!
The patient tab and patient family subtab are enabled even for constituents who have no patient visits of their own, but only have family members with patient visits. See Patient/Patient Family for more.
How Do I?