Patient tab: The Visits by location widget on the Summary subtab shows the last future visit date instead of the most recent visit; this will be corrected in a future version of Atlas.
Constituent Merge: Merging two patients may result in the error The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “FK_USR_EPIC_VISITS_GUARANTORCONSTITUENTID”. The conflict occurred in database “MGH”, table “dbo.USR_EPIC_VISITS”, column ‘GUARANTORCONSTITUENTID’. To work around this, try to switch the Target and Source constituents.
Attribute Groups: If the attribute group has an apostrophe in it, the dynamic sql BB uses to push this data to the DW fails (discovered 9/21). This is an issue with the OOB functionality and the simplest solution is to avoid apostrophes in attribute groups. All existing instances of groups with apostrophes have been corrected.
Relationships: When attempting to edit a constituent relationship, a user may receive Error: Data could not be saved.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘SOURCECONSTITUENTID’, table ‘dbo.REVENUERECOGNITIONDEFAULT’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. This is a known blackbaud CRM Defect.
The easiest fix would be to edit the relationship, uncheck the box ‘The organization will match contributions for this relationship’, save the relationship. Edit the relationship and mark the box if necessary.
If above does not work, try to delete the relationship and add it back.
Manage Prospects and Plans in Bulk: The Add Prospect Plans feature has an option to set prospect manager on any constituents included in the selection where a prospect is not already assigned; this feature doesn’t work in Atlas since all Constituents in Atlas already have the Prospect constituent code. To assign prospect managers, instead use the Prospect assignment process.
Revenue batch: You cannot add a solicitor to a row in a batch if it has an application to an event. Per Blackbaud, this is by design, as “it is synced with One-Off payments as part of the workflow… you have to add solicitor after the payment is done for event registration.” It‘s been notified as an idea in Blackbaud’s idea bank.
Revenue link to Opportunity: Trying to link a Revenue record to an Opportunity results in a Primary Key or Foreign Key constraint (depending on which window you’re using). This is a known BB CRM defect with a work around: