Family Visits by Location = shows location, number of visits and date of last visit. Hyperlink to open the department record.
Family Visits = a list builder with Patient name, relationship, age, prospect manager, total visits, last visit date, last visit length of stay, last hospital, last location, last providers, last attending, last PCP, primary rating type, primary rating value, date of next visit and deceased flag. Click the Columns button to toggle on/off information you may find most relevant on this data list. Note that last and next visit dates will not show visit columns respect Atlas confidentiality rules, and if all the family member’s visits are confidential, they will not appear on this list at all.
Good to Know!
The patient tab and patient family subtab are enabled even for constituents who have no patient visits of their own, but only have family members with patient visits.
- Constituents are considered “family” if they are related by one of the relationship types identified in the EPIC Family Definitions table and on that relationship, the Exclude patient data from family checkbox is “unchecked”
How Do I?
- Exclude a specific family member’s Epic data from appearing on the Patient Family sub tab?
Open a record on the Relationship tab, edit the record and select Exclude patient data from family to exclude a family members Epic data from the Patient Family sub tab.
Note that the Exclude patient data from family checkbox is only available if the relationship type is one identified in your affiliate’s EPIC Family Definitions table.