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Patient/Patient Detail

The patient tab is a customized area of Atlas.  This area links to EPIC data retrieved nightly, and visit data is secured in multiple ways

  1. User Security:  Only users with specific business needs to access this information have the ability to see the patient tab at all.  This is handled with role security.
  2. Type of Visit Security:  Confidential visits are secured through role security and do not display
  3. Constituent Level Security – Visit Visibility:  Visits for selected constituents are also hidden.  This is done by constituency; if a constituent has a constituency where Epic Exclusions is set to Hide Visits, their patient visits will be suppressed on the Patient/Patient Detail tab for most users. You can also opt to apply hide visits for the spouse or children of any constituents who fall under this category. See Epic Exclusion Constituencies for information on managing this feature. 
  4. Constituent Level Security – Patient Tab Visibility:  The Patient tab can be hidden completely for selected constituents. This is done by constituency; if a constituent has a constituency where Epic Exclusions is set to Hide Patient Tab, their patient tab will be suppressed for most users. You can also opt to apply hide visits for the spouse or children of any constituents who fall under this category. See Epic Exclusion Constituencies for information on managing this feature.  

As a business use case for the affiliate specific constituent level security, MGH has a requirement to suppress the patient data for selected VIP constituents, and also for employees and their families.  To meet this need, they could

  1. Add the “Employee” constituency to all employees whose data they want to suppress
  2. Set Epic exclusions on the Employee constituency to Hide visits and check Include spouse and children. 
  3. VIP constituents whose visits info should also be suppressed should receive the constituency “EPIC Exclusion”
  4. Set Epic exclusions on the EPIC Exclusion constituency to Hide visits. 

Good to Know!

  • Constituency Codes used by security are case-sensitive, so use EPIC Exclusions, not Epic Exclusions.
  • The EPIC data files are kept briefly on the Atlas servers for troubleshooting. Click here for more information. 
  • There are 4 bio-related data points from EPIC in the daily feed
    • Patients – This includes name, MRN, birthdate, address, phone, and email.
    • Guarantors – Same data as a patient, except the guarantor for the patient is often “self”. When it is not “self”, a constituent is created (typically with a relationship to the patient), and that constituent can be hyperlinked to via the list of visits. Guarantors also have an Alternate Lookup ID; however, note that depending on how this information is maintained in Epic, we may receive the same ID for two different people, and Alternate Lookup IDs are unique within a database – so you will sometimes see a person listed as a guarantor on a visit who does not have a Guarantor ID.
    • Provider – Name and typically NPI, PeopleSoft ID, EPIC ID, and Partners ID. Alternate Lookup IDs are created from these values.
    • Primary Care Physician – Name and typically NPI. An Alternate Lookup ID is created from this value.

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