Workday requires a Deposit number attribute on transactions where the Payment method is check, not including lockbox checks. In some cases, this information will be available prior to Batch entry, and it can be added then, but in other cases, it will need to be added after gifts are processed. This new window will facilitate adding, updating and deleting the Deposit number attribute.
To access this new tab, go to Revenue >> GL Validation >> Deposit Numbers. By default, the list builder will open showing transactions added in the Last 7 days where the Deposit number is blank and the Payment method is Check.
The columns available are:
- Appeal Name
- Batch Number
- Constituent Lookup ID
- Constituent Name (includes a hyperlink to the Constituent record)
- Date Added
- Deposit Number (shows the Deposit number revenue attribute)
- Designation
- Inbound Channel
- Other Method
- Payment Method
- Revenue Amount
- Revenue Date
- Revenue ID (includes a hyperlink to the Transaction record)
- Post Date
- Post Status
- Transaction Type
- Vendor (shows the Vendor revenue attribute)
As with all list builders, click on Columns to add and remove columns. Click on any column header to sort by that column, filter by that column, or move that column’s position in the list.
The available filters are:
- Date added (choose from Last seven days, This month, Last month, or Date range)
- Revenue selection
- Deposit number attribute (choose from Blank, Not blank, or both)
- Payment method (choose from the Payment method drop down list)
- Exclude lockbox (excludes records where Inbound channel is lockbox)
· Click on the green chevron to open the secondary view for a particular transaction and access these tasks:
- Open constituent,
- Open revenue,
- Add/Update deposit number, which launches a window enabling you to add or update toe Deposit number attribute, and
- Remove deposit number, which “blanks out” the Deposit number attribute.
This list builder features a multi-select option, so you can add, update, or remove the Deposit number attributes for multiple revenue records at once.