Attributes are a series of codes, flags and totals that related to constituents.
Good to Know!
- Conversion Notes:
- CRM requires a description for all attributes, so any attributes in RE with a category but no description did not convert.
- CRM will not allow duplicate attributes for the same constituent, so these duplicates were removed during the conversion.
- Recognition and donor honor roll names for organizations were moved to attributes because some truncated in notes. This was done for all affiliates except for BWH.
- The constituent system ID in RE was converted to a attribute in case we need to trace any issues
- Tribute donor attributes moved to solicit codes
- CAGU Honor Roll and Donor Roll attributes moved to recognition programs
- Note that you can’t mark attributes inactive
- In Atlas attributes can be grouped. We have 2 groups we are adding as part of conversion. RE Legacy group indicates attributes that contain historical information from RE but that should not be actively used in Atlas. Conversion Validation indicates attributes created as part of the RE to Atlas migration, that will be deleted once conversion validation is complete.
How Do I?
- Inactivate an Attribute category?
- Manage attributes in bulk? See the Manage Attributes Global Change.
- Find other entities that reference a specific attribute? See Attribute dependencies